Within the safe and beautiful waters of Noosa River, our junior sessions cover-:
- Outrigger traditions, history and canoe values and care.
- Paddling Skill sets
- Water knowledge and safety
- Exploring the river
- Fun games and interesting goals
- Race preparation
- Working as a team, care and respect for each other and the environment

First time paddlers enjoy their first 3 sessions for free and we supply paddles and lifejackets for the first couple of months till they can get their own.
Junior Program
Our junior program runs weekly from late August to May each year, with breaks over the school holidays. Our coaches have decades of paddling experience and are all volunteers with QLD Blue Cards and Level 1 Outrigger specific credentials.
Friday Mornings – Experienced 14U to 19U Group OC6 (6 seat outrigger canoe)
Arrive 5.45am to be paddling from 6 to 7am
Friday Afternoons – Minnows (8U) up to19U Group OC6 (6 seat outrigger canoe)
Arrive 3.45pm to be paddling from 4 to 5pm
Sunday Mornings – All ages Minnows to 19U (OC1-single outrigger/OC2-double outrigger, V3-triple rudderless outrigger, V1-single rudderless outrigger)
9am arrive to be paddling from 9.15am to 10.15am
Our Noosa Junior program strives to instil the following values in our junior paddlers:
- Come prepared: hat/sunscreen/water/wet water clothing- jammers, tights, boardies and a rash shirt.
- “Many hands make light work” – Always lend a helping hand at the beginning and especially at the end of each training session.
- Respecting the canoe and follow the traditional rules and values you learn
- Treat others, your club and the ocean with care and how you would like to be treated
- Know your role in the canoe for any seat you are placed into and give that seat your all
- Paddle with purpose: Focus, encourage each other and have lots of fun along the way!

Racing Divisions
Age Divisions for racing below- we also try to commit to these in training, but is dependant on who arrives at training and filling canoes.

Parental Support
We love to involve our parents, even if it’s as little as helping to get the canoes in the water each week. Any help is appreciated as we are all volunteers. Parents are also always welcome to come and try with our senior groups as well. In fact, at Noosa, we have many families who all paddle, even Grandparents! Our club has paddlers aged from 7 to over 80yrs! One of the ONLY clubs in Australia to boast this and we currently have the largest membership of any club in Australia too!
If this sounds like something that you or your child are interested in, please feel free to contact us and have 3 free sessions.
Contact our Junior Coach/Manager: Flea 0400 428 000 for more information on how to get started.
Family: 2 adults and any number of kids under 19yrs $600. Must all be done in October each year.
Juniors: 8 to 19 (in calendar year) $120 – 1st child, $60 – 2nd child, 3rd and subsequent children FREE.
Contact junior coach Flea 0400428000 for more details
Noosa Outrigger Canoe Club
supporting the paddlers of tomorrow!